Showing posts with label curing insomnia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label curing insomnia. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2011

Curing Insomnia

Tips For Curing Insomnia

Curing Insomnia
Throughout our lifetime it is surely inevitable that we will each battle with insomnia at one time or another. Insomnia – the ability to fall asleep or stay asleep – can have disastrous ramifications; ongoing sleep deprivation can interfere with daily life making us unable to concentrate and even instigating far greater health concerns such as depression.

For those who suffer nightly, curing insomnia can mean the difference between days spent in an exhausted fog and a productive, healthy life. Subsequently, there are more and more products hitting retail shelves that claim to hold the secret for curing insomnia. And while there are many fantastic prescription and over-the-counter medications that will help you sleep in the short term, there are alternatives that are worth trying beforehand.

Curing insomnia may begin with simply making some changes in your bedtime routine. It may be of benefit to build new habits surrounding sleep. Try going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day to encourage your body to adopt this schedule. Make your bedroom a haven for sleep; don’t watch television or read in bed. Instead, come to bed when you are ready for sleep. Make your bedroom dark and comfortable and use music or white noise to help soothe yourself to sleep.

insomnia cure tips
In the spirit of curing insomnia, you may even begin to implement some pre-sleep rituals as well. Eliminate exercise, alcohol, and heavy foods prior to bed; try stretching, deep breathing, or simple yoga poses; meditate for a period of time before bed; or sip some caffeine-free tea. If you find that you’re unable to fall asleep, then leave your bed until you feel sleepy enough to try again. Do not make your bed a place you associate with tossing and turning.

For ongoing sleep issues, it’s important to work towards curing insomnia even during your waking hours. Limit alcohol and caffeine during the day – both of which can work to interrupt sleep during the night.

Curing insomnia may take some trial and error. If you find that even after some lifestyle adjustments that you are continuing to struggle with sleep, then it’s best to see your doctor.

Dealing With Insomnia

Dealing With Insomnia – Get A Good Night’s Sleep

insomnia pills
Among the most frustrating of sleep disorders, insomnia can be particularly maddening. The persistent inability to fall asleep, especially when you are tired, can leave you stressed and wound up and wondering what is wrong. Yes, an inability to sleep will occasionally occur, but persistent insomnia is no laughing matter.

Most everyone experiences some minor episodes of insomnia lasting from one night to intermittent episodes of sleeplessness for a few weeks. This form, called transient insomnia, is not unexpected and almost everyone will face it at some point in their lives. For instance, a particularly stressful week at work might leave someone unable to sleep for a few nights. But, once the week is over, they can get back to sleeping normally.

Some people may also experience acute insomnia, which is a form of short-term insomnia that can strike at some points in peoples’ lives. For instance, if someone is suffering through a job loss or a difficult divorce, they may experience a persistent inability to get good sleep for anywhere from three weeks to six months. Notice that, in the case of acute insomnia, this is not a nightly occurrence and the sufferer is still able to get good sleep on some nights.

The most severe form of insomnia is chronic insomnia, which occurs almost nightly for a month or longer. This form of insomnia often seems to arise from seemingly nowhere and leaves the sufferer almost no reprieve. Oftentimes, this can leave the person fatigued, but not actually tired enough to fall asleep. This situation can lead to depression, anxiety, an inability to concentrate, and a feeling of just “being in a fog” all the time. Obviously, this is a bad state for a person to live in and they need to find relief.

While the temporary forms of insomnia can be relieved by relieving the temporary causes of insomnia, this is not a solution for people who suffer from chronic insomnia. Thus, people with chronic insomnia need to find solutions that address insomnia specifically.

dealing with insomnia
Many people turn to sleeping pills in these situations, but these are problematic in some ways. Sleeping pills can be addictive even in their most benign forms and, oftentimes, people will become permanently reliant upon sleeping pill to get their nightly rest.

Other people seek herbal treatments, such as valerian, chamomile or lavender, for relief from insomnia. Many of these herbal remedies are fairly benign, but they can still leave people reliant on them to fall asleep at night.

More traditional remedies for insomnia include exercising in the afternoon, drinking warm milk before bed, avoiding anything mentally stimulating in the evening, and just going to bed early at night and waking up early in the morning. Obviously, it is preferable to start with traditional remedies such as this and move toward herbal remedies or sleeping pills if these do not help.

While insomnia is frustrating for people who suffer from it, it is treatable. There are many remedies out there and people should not be afraid to try them. In most cases, people can simply wait out the circumstances that are causing their insomnia and they will be fine. However, if insomnia is an almost nightly occurrence for a month or more, it is time to talk to a doctor and see what remedies might be suitable.