Sunday, July 4, 2010

Causes of Narcolepsy

Causes of Narcolepsy - A Chronic Sleep Disorder 
One of the categories of chronic sleep disorders which can also strongly impair patients is narcolepsy. This is a neurological disorder that is characterized by unusual or unexpected sleeping and awaking time that occurs during the day. Among the medical community it's referred to as EDS or excessive daytime sleepiness.
Different from many other sleep disorders, narcolepsy may well appear abruptly, in the course of almost any endeavor as well as anytime of the day. The majority of people requires around 90 minutes to begin REM sleep, the rapid eye movement stage. People battling with EDS can at once fall into the REM level of the sleep cycle, even throughout his or her waking periods. Currently, experts have not uncovered the contributing factor of narcolepsy. Specific tests known as polysomnogram or PSG and the multiple sleep latency test or MSLT, have been created to detect narcolepsy and therefore are generally carried out at sleep disorder clinics.
Medical professionals for the people troubled with chronic sleep disorders propose that in advance of prescribing a pharmaceutical, or in addition to medication, the affected person make some changes in their habits. Such things as eliminating coffee or other caffeinated drinks, alcohol, smoking, eating heavy meals, forming regular sleep times and limiting naps to ten or fifteen minutes at most, might make a big difference in this sleep disorder.
Causes of Narcolepsy
When a person is suffering from narcolepsy they are living with a chronic sleep disorder. Since the brain is unable to regulate sleeping patterns, people with this disorder find that their urges to sleep can strike at any time of the day. For some people with narcolepsy, this brief sleep period might last for an hour.
Eating disorders commonly accompany narcolepsy, with people experiencing intense cravings for certain foods. While there are some known genetic factors for narcolepsy, the primary cause of narcolepsy remains unknown. Hypocretin is the primary chemical that helps to regulate sleeping patterns, allowing people to stay awake when they need to, and enter REM stage sleep as needed also. But hypocretin levels are very low in people who are suffering from narcolepsy.
Behavioral modification is, at this time, the primary treatment available for narcolepsy. The methods taught include taking short and regular naps, focusing heavily on a regular and consistent sleep schedule and being sure that they are not consuming alcohol or caffeine too close to their regular bedtime.
People with Narcolepsy disorder always tend to have difficulty to stay awake. It's like a sleep attacks to them. This unusual sleeping problem is really affecting their social life, work and everyday life.
There are two kind of sleep that is non rapid eye movement and rapid eye movement. For normal people, they will go through the non-rapid eye movement sleep first before rapid eye movement period. But it's different for people with narcolepsy. What are the causes of narcolepsy?
The reason for the lack of this hypocretin chemical in people with narcolepsy is still unknown. If there's a brain injury, there will be some loss of certain brain cells. Meaning, some people inherited the tendency of having narcolepsy disorder from their relatives.
Regarding the inheritance of narcolepsy, research has been made and it was been identified that gene also causes narcolepsy. Hypothalamus is a part of the brain that stimulates sleep behavior and the gene will gives way to the cells in hypothalamus to get messages from other cells in the brain.