Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sleeping Apnea

Chronic Sleeping Disorder
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by disruption in the breathing pattern while you are sleeping. In most cases, it is usually the sleeping partner who gets to know about the prevalence of this sleeping disorder. Victims of this complication face difficulty in taking proper breaths. It is a chronic problem which needs proper attention and if you leave it untreated, it can become a cause of worry and at times even life threatening. Common Sleep Apnea
Frequent choking episodes during night time
· Morning headache
· Poor concentration
· Waking up in the middle of night due to excessive sweating
· Loud snoring
· Dry mouth
· Excessive sleepiness during daytime
· Low energy levels
· Obesity
· Mood swings
According to recent studies, women suffering from asthma are at a higher risk of developing the problem . Studies are indicative of the fact that about 22% of young women suffering from asthma are prone to snoring.
Many a time snoring is taken for sleep apnea; however, both are entirely different set of problems. Snoring is a symptom but not a cause in itself. Snoring, as such, does not have any health impact but this disorder demands good medical care.
Different Types of Sleep Apnea
1. Obstructive (OSA) , is one of the most commonly found sleeping disorders.
2. Central (CSA) , It is a rarely found sleeping disorder that occurs when the signals of brain giving instructions to the body to breathe get delayed. For treating this problem, there are certain medications that help a great deal in stimulating the need to breathe oxygen.
3. Mixed Sleep Apnea (MSA) , is a combination of the above two mentioned types of sleep apnea. It has often been found that patients of this sleeping disorder derive benefits from treatment but only to the extent of obstruction in the flow of air.